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Credits / Press



The choral music of Giuseppe Di Bianco is simply beautiful in its conception and careful consideration. There is incredible power and creativity in his choral writing that is at once intimately guided by the structure and contour of the text but is, more importantly, an authentic personal expression, which clearly opens our ears to new possibilities of choral expressivity.

The confidence with which Di Bianco creates speaks to an exciting new era of Italian choral composition.

I encourage everyone to explore the choral works of this inspired artist.


T.J. Harper

Associate Professor of Music, Director of Choral Activities at Providence College

Providence, Rhode Island - USA





Thanks to Giuseppe Di Bianco for composing the beautiful "Angele Dei."  I truly enjoyed working on it!


R. Paul Crabb 

Director of Choral Activities, University of Missouri - USA




"Il Comitato della Cultura di San Pietroburgo esprime al Maestro Giuseppe Di Bianco, con tutto il cuore, la gratitudine per il Suo contributo all'arte corale contemporanea, per il rafforzamento della collaborazione nel settore della cultura corale tra Italia e Russia".


Boris Illirionov

Presidente del Comitato della Cultura di S. Pietroburgo, RU

[First Deputy Chairman of the St. Petersburg Culture Committee]




Мы знакомы с Г-но Джузеппе ди Бианкo несколько лет Он прислал наш Открытый Всероссийский конкурс «Хоровая лаборатория XXI  век» 2012 несколько своих произведений и завоевал  1 место в категории Духовная музыка на латинские тексты Его два замечательных произведения «Angele Dei», «Ave Maria» опубликованы  издательством «Композитор» Санкт-Петербурга и вошли в репертуар   многих хоровых коллективов. Композиторский стиль Г-на Джузеппе ди Бианкo выгодно отличается  от  стиля других композиторов ярким мелодическим началом, обилием полифонических подголосков,  уверенно и продуманно продвигающих развитие формы. Не смотря на довольно сложный  гармонический язык, современные средства композиторской техники, его музыка  доступна широкому кругу слушателей и   в силу своей эмоциональности  всегда находит отклик   у  концертной аудитории.



[Mr. Giuseppe Di Bianco took part in the Open Russian composer’s competition  “Choral Laboratory XXI sec.” and took the 1st prize in the Category Sacred Music With Latin Text. His wonderful scores “Angele Dei” and “Ave Maria” are very popular now in Russia, and were both published by “Compozitor Edition Spb” for youth mixed choir a cappella.  Giuseppe Di Bianco’s style is rather difficult, but it has bright melodic lines, and a clear direction of form’s development with polyphonic voices. Through  these style features, his music  is an emotional response from the general public.]



Irina Roganova

Honored worker of Russian Federation, Conductor of youth a cappella "Harmony" choir, artistic director








“In Laude”! What better way to praise God than through Giuseppe Di Bianco's music in its different forms! 

This somehow reminds a musician of that greater purpose of his art other than the worldly.  UPSA aptly borrowed the title of his work for the theme of its 25th anniversary and farewell concert.


Ed Manguiat

Choral clinician, composer, musical director, and founder of the UPSA

“University of the Philippines Singing Ambassadors” (Philippines)




A beautiful new setting of the "AVE MARIA": the Predominantly homorhythmic texture of this traditional text is intended to enhance the devotional character; and atmosphere of serenity around the Incarnation. Unexpected, though never harsh harmonic turns and pivots; B

Source: The Choral Journal, Vol. 62, No. 4 (November & December 2021), pp. 65-68

Published by: American Choral Directors Association


"LUMEN" is a lovely gem for a theme of peace, light, and hope.

Source: The Choral Journal, Vol. 59, No. 9 (April 2019), pp. 67-72

Published by: American Choral Directors Association


 Sono onorato di aver ricevuto questo omaggio [“IN LAUDE”] e di poterlo apprezzare.

Marco Berrini

Direttore di coro, direttore d’orchestra e didatta



I received many enthusiastic comments about your piece in particular. The Museum of the Moving Images in New York City enjoyed the pieces very much and wants to have us back for more silent film concerts. Thank you again for sharing your music with us.


Erik Carlson

Director of “New York Miniaturist Ensemble”, NY, USA




O Júri  foi unânime ha decisão. Relativamente ao trabalho [“ Primeiros amores”, per SATB] de Giuseppe Di Bianco, vencedor o Júri  pôs em evidência a sua grande criatividade, a sua coerência ao nível da concepção musical, bem como a capacidade revelada para acrescentar valor ao tema original, extraído do “Cancioneiro de Entre Mar e Serra de Alta Estremadura”, contribuendo para o reforço e a divulgaçao de cultura e da identidade da região de Entre Mar e Serra”


Adelino Martins, Antonio Cardo, Pedro Filipe

[Motivation of the Jury -  Choral Harmonization Prize "José Ribeiro de Sousa” (Portugal), 2008





Giuseppe Di Bianco brings a fresh sound to choral music; at once, rhythmic and melodic. He knows the choral instrument from top to bottom and uses the voices with power and sensitivity. 


Sue T. Klausmeyer

 DMA Conductor and Lecturer, University of North Carolina, USA






The future of choral music and singing groups everywhere is bright because of such talented composers as you. 

Thank you for what you do, Giuseppe. Gratia, gratia, gratia!


Ken Hoover

The host of Great Sacred Music
WCPE 89.7 - TheClassicalStation
Wake Forest, NC – USA





 […] Più del descrittivismo sonoro, che pure domina in cornice e non manca di contribuire con continuità al tessuto contrappuntistico nella composizione, è proprio il clima notturno, «silenzioso», nei colori della fascia tenue, unito con la scrittura contrappuntistica spigolosa, netta, ad aver fatto cogliere il bersaglio a Giuseppe Di Bianco, compositore napoletano, che con «Silentium» vince il primo concorso di composizione corale del Soldanella, sul testo di Marinetti «Con Boccioni a Dosso Casina».

[…] La partitura a cappella è stata valutata la migliore tra le pervenute: per il contenuto tecnico, per il rapporto con il testo letterario, per il valore artistico raggiunto. Del parolibero testo marinettiano che, in un clima notturno abitato da percezioni acustiche vicine e lontane, in trincea, alterna fonemi a segmenti lirici e frammenti di dialogo, l'autore ha compiuto una scelta efficace, nel rigore di una scrittura certo di non facile accesso ma essenzialmente in relazione con lo spirito del testo: è, quella dell'artificio tecnico elevato, questione spinosa nei concorsi corali, ma non risolta finché i compositori bravi amano il difficile e le giurie non hanno di fatto scelta.


Giuseppe Calliari

Giornalista, critico musicale

(L’Adige, pag. cultura, 11.12. 2007)












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